PH 201 Classical Mechanics, August 2024

   The limits of my language define the limits of my world. – Ludwig Wittgenstein

Venue: Physics Auditorium, Department of Physics

Time: Tuesdays & Thursdays 1130-1300

Required textbooks:

  1.  (RJ) Classical Mechanics, Rana and Joag, McGraw Hill
  2.  (LL) Mechanics, Landau and Lifshitz, Elsevier, 3e

Required and Optional readings will be assigned before the class. You should finish reading the “required reading” before the class. If you have any specific questions, post them on the MS Teams page the night before the class.

MS Teams Link (Requires IISc login)

Class IDClass date (DDMMYY)TopicReading Other resources
101-08-24Review of Newtonian Mechanics; Constraints; Lagrange's Eqn of 1st Kind; Principle of Virtual Work; Required: RJ: I.5, I.6, 1.0-1.7

Optional: RJ I.1-I.4
208-08-24Degrees of Freedom; Generalized coordinates; Lagrangian; Lagrange's Equation; Hamilton's least action principle; Derivation of EL equationRequired: RJ: 2.1-2.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4

Optional: 2.0, 6.3
313-08-24Generalized Dynamic Variables; Symmetry and Conservation Laws; Derivation of Newton's laws.Required: RJ: 2.9-2.15

Supplementary: LL Ch II, Section 6-9
420-08-24Lagrangian in various coordinate systems; Properties of T and E; Gyroscopic forces and generalized potential; Required: RJ: 2.5-2.8, 2.16

522-08-24Solution of EoM in 1D; Mechanical Similarity; Virial Theorem; 2-body Central force problem;Required: RJ: 4.1-4.2, 4.6.1, 4.7

Required: LL: Ch II Section 10

627-08-24Equation of orbits; Condition for closure of orbits; Kepler's problem; Deriving Newton's law of gravitation from Kepler's laws; TidesRequired: RJ: 4.3-4.5, 4.6.1, 4.7, 4.14
729-08-24Scattering in central force fields; Scattering Cross Section; Impact parameter; Small oscillation introduction; Fourier transform;Required: RJ 4.15

LL: Chapter IV Section 17-20
V. Balakrishnan's lectures on Fourier Transform :
Fourier Transform I

Fourier Transform II

Fourier Transform III
803-09-24Forced oscillation; Resonance; Energy spectral density; Normal modes; Characteristic Equation; Spring-Mass systemsRequired: LL Ch V Section 21-23
905-09-24Damped Oscillation; Motion in a rapidly oscillating field; Introduction to Rigid Body Dynamics;Required: LL Ch V 25-26, 30

1010-09-24Space frame and body frames; Invariance of the angular velocity; Kinetic energy; Moment of inertia tensorRequired: RJ 12.1, 12.3, 12.5-12.7
1112-09-24Doubt clearing session; Angular momentumRequired: RJ 12.4, 12.8, 12.9
1217-09-24Rigid body kinetics; Direction cosine; Euler angles; Euler theorem; Charles theoremRequired: Goldstein Ch 4.

Note: Goldstein has the best discussion on RB kinetics. I found the discussion in RJ and LL inadequate.
1319-09-24Mid-term exam
1424-09-24Space frame to body frame; Coriolis force; Euler's equation; Symmetric top;Required: RJ: 3.1-3.4, 12.10-12.14, 12.18

Optional: Goldstein: Ch 4
1526-09-24Hamiltonian; Hamilton's equations; Phase space; Configuration space; State space; Poisson Bracket Required: RJ 5.1-5.3, 5.5, 6.5, 9.1-9.4
1601-10-24Hamilton's principal function; Noether's theorem; Canonical transformation; Required: RJ 6.7-6.8, 8.1-8.5
1703-10-24Properties of the Poisson Bracket; Liouville's theoremRequired: RJ 8.6-8.7, 9.5-9.8
1815-10-24Nonlinear Dynamics Intro; Flows in 1DNLD-1
1917-10-24Class cancelled.
1922-10-24Numerical Methods 101; Bifurcation in 1D flows.NLD-2
2023-10-24Bifurcation in 1D; SynchronizationNLD-3

Firefly Model
2124-10-24Linear Systems; 2D Flow; Classification of 2D fixed points.NLD-4
2229-10-24Perils of Linear Stability Analysis; Limit cycle; Hopf bifurcations; Index theory. NLD-5
2305-11-24Index theory contd; How to rule out limit cycles; Nullclines; Poincare-Bendixson Theorem NLD-6
2407-11-24Lorenz Equation; Chaos; Strange attractor; Discrete maps; Period doubling route to chaos; FractalsNLD-7