

Postdoc positions in the group are only available through various postdoctoral fellowship schemes. Currently, the group will only consider applicants with Ph.D. in either Physics, Mathematics, or Engineering. Preferences will be given to applicants with prior expertise in Soft Matter Physics, Biophysics, Computational Physics. Expertise in computation is a requirement.

If you are interested in pursuing postdoctoral research with us through these schemes or other external funding, send me an email, with the following documents:

  • A two page research proposal describing the research that you want to pursue with our group.
  • A letter of intent describing why our group is the best fit for your future research.
  • A link to your coding portfolio, hosted in websites, such as github.

IoE postdoc application form: https://iisc.ac.in/post-docs/.

N-PDF: https://serbonline.in/SERB/npdf

D.S. Kothari: http://ugcdskpdf.unipune.ac.in/

Wellcome-DBT ECF: https://indiaalliance.org/news/call-for-applications-ecf


PhD positions are offered only through IISc admission process.


Only IISc undergraduates interested in pursuing their BS or MS thesis may contact.

To get recommendation letters, you need to work with my group for at least six (6) months. So, if you want to get a recommendation letter in November, you have to start working with us at least from May of the same year. Therefore, if you want to pursue your BS or MS thesis with my group, you need to contact me before April of the same year and have to work through the summer with our group. An alternative is to start working with us after your 4th semester. 

Recommendations will not be given in the following cases:

  • You have only taken courses from me. Your performance in a class is no measure of your performance as a researcher.
  • I am your "dummy" or "co-" advisor.  I have no way of judging your capability as a researcher. 
  • You have worked for less than six months with our group. Six months is the minimum time needed to get a sense of you as a researcher. 

If you meet any of these criteria, please do not contact me for recommendation letters in any form. 


Project students + Intern

We currently do not have any positions open for project students /JRF/interns in our group.

External thesis advisor

I am not in a position to be thesis advisor to any student outside IISc. At this point, I'll only take students from IISc for thesis projects.