Saurav Gulabprasad Varma, Argha Mitra, Sumantra Sarkar
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Self-diffusion of lipids becomes temperature independent in the presence of active fluctuations.
Biophysics, Transport Process
Sumantra Sarkar, Ethan Romero-Severson, Thomas Leitner
We study the competition of spatial migration and recombination during HIV evolution using model and data analysis.
Sharaj Kunjar, Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin, Helge Giese, Sumantra Sarkar, Mohit Kumar Jolly, Nico Gradwohl
Royal Society Open Science; arXiv:2212.02880
We study how the connectivity of a network affects opinion dynamics.
Nonlinear Dynamics, Spin Model
Sumantra Sarkar and Debanjan Goswami
Biophysical Journal
We study how spatial heterogeneity of the actin cytoskeleton affects the lifetime of protein nanoclusters on the plasma membrane.
Biophysics, Cell signaling
Christopher Neale, Nicolas Hengartner, Sumantra Sarkar, Sandrasegaram Gnanakaran, Cesar Lopez Bautista
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Sumantra Sarkar, Angel E. Garcia, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, and Nicolas Hengartner
LANL internal report
Sumantra Sarkar
Physical Review X
Simulations show that molecular diffusion on 2D biological surfaces can lead to reaction rates that depend nontrivially on concentrations, an insight with profound impacts on the stability of certain biomolecular systems.
Biophysics, Cell signaling
Van A. Ngo, Sumantra Sarkar, Chris Neale, and Angel Enrique Garcia
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Biophysics, Cell signaling
Sumantra Sarkar and Angel E. Garcia
Biophysical Journal
Signaling protein dimerization can be detected through kinetic measurements.
Biophysics, Cell signaling
Sumantra Sarkar and Jeremy L. England
Physical Review E, Editor's suggestion, Winner of 2021 Oppenheim Award from APS
In complex chemical reaction networks, self-replication occurs mainly through cooperating cycles. Self-replication through isolated cycles is rare.
Biomimetic Materials, Self-replication
Sumantra Sarkar, Elan Shatoff, Kabir Ramola, Romain Mari, Jeffrey Morris, Bulbul Chakraborty
EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 09045 (2017)
Clustering analysis of points in force tile network indicates that discontinuous shear thickening may be a dynamic phase transition.
Granular Materials
Sumantra Sarkar, Dapeng Bi, Jie Zhang, Jie Ren, RP Behringer and Bulbul Chakraborty
Phys. Rev. E 93, 042901
The shape and arrangement of the Maxwell-Cremona tiling explains the rigidity of dry granular materials and uncovers hidden scaling behavior.
Granular Materials
Sumantra Sarkar, Bulbul Chakraborty
Physical Review E, 2015
We model the phenomenology of shear jamming and shear thickening using a three-state random field Ising model.
Granular Materials
Sumantra Sarkar, Dapeng Bi, Jie Zhang, R. P. Behringer, and Bulbul Chakraborty
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 068301
The origin of shear jamming in granular materials can be explained through the shape and arrangement of Maxwell-Cremona tiles.
Granular Materials
Tripti Bameta, Dipjyoti Das, Sumantra Sarkar, Dibyendu Das and Mandar M. Inamdar
Euro Phys. Lett., 99 (2012) 18004
Driven random spring model captures the mechanistic aspects of cell-migration.
Biophysics, Granular Materials
Sumantra Sarkar and Punit Parmananda
Chaos, 20, 043108 (2010)
Optimal amount of spatial movement enhances synchronization time.
Nonlinear Dynamics