Physics inspired by Biology
Our group strives to understand the physics of biological and soft matter systems, which often operate far from thermal equilibrium. We solve fundamental questions in physics inspired by our extensive collaborations with experimental groups in biology and soft condensed matter physics. Our current research interests are:

Pattern formation in active materials
We are interested in understanding how patterns form in active systems. The dynamic patterns observed in the actin cytoskeleton of the cell motivate our pursuit in this area. We use theoretical and computational models and collaborate with experimental groups to study such patterns in physical and biological systems.

Dynamics of topological defects in active systems
Topological defects arise spontaneously in various systems that we study. In this project, we investigate how topological defects behave in active systems and the consequences of their behavior. Currently, we are trying to understand how topological defects form patterns in active materials.

Molecular transport in biological systems
Cells are complex crowded enviroment where transport of a molecule is dependent on the local distribution of other molecules, local curvature of the membrane, and time-dependent interactions, which make the problem physically interesting and challenging. Specifically, we investigate the physics underlying transport of small molecules on the cell membrane and in the cell cytosol.

AI-driven diagnostics
We strive to apply our research to solve real world challenges. To that end, we are currently developing AI-based tools for cheap and rapid diagnosis of autoimmune diseases.